
Surah AL-FATH / The Victory in english

Surah n°48 · AL-FATH · 29 verses

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1)  الفاتحة / The Opener / AL-FATIHA Al-fatiha in arabic | Al-fatiha in english | Al-fatiha phonetic

2)  البقرة / The Cow / AL-BAQARA Al-baqara in arabic | Al-baqara in english | Al-baqara phonetic

3)  آل عمران / Family of Imran / AL-IMRAN Al-imran in arabic | Al-imran in english | Al-imran phonetic

4)  النساء / The Women / AN-NISA' An-nisa' in arabic | An-nisa' in english | An-nisa' phonetic

5)  المائدة / The Table Spread / AL-MAIDAH Al-maidah in arabic | Al-maidah in english | Al-maidah phonetic

6)  الأنعام / The Cattle / AL-ANAM Al-anam in arabic | Al-anam in english | Al-anam phonetic

7)  الأعراف / The Heights / AL-ARAF Al-araf in arabic | Al-araf in english | Al-araf phonetic

8)  الأنفال / The Spoils of War / AL-ANFAL Al-anfal in arabic | Al-anfal in english | Al-anfal phonetic

9)  التوبة / The Repentance / AT-TAWBAH At-tawbah in arabic | At-tawbah in english | At-tawbah phonetic

10)  يونس / Jonah / YUNUS Yunus in arabic | Yunus in english | Yunus phonetic

11)  هود / Hud / HUD Hud in arabic | Hud in english | Hud phonetic

12)  يوسف / Joseph / YUSUF Yusuf in arabic | Yusuf in english | Yusuf phonetic

13)  الرعد / The Thunder / AR-RAAD Ar-raad in arabic | Ar-raad in english | Ar-raad phonetic

14)  إبراهيم / Abrahim / IBRAHIM Ibrahim in arabic | Ibrahim in english | Ibrahim phonetic

15)  الحجر / The Rocky Tract / AL-HIJR Al-hijr in arabic | Al-hijr in english | Al-hijr phonetic

16)  النحل / The Bee / AN-NAHL An-nahl in arabic | An-nahl in english | An-nahl phonetic

17)  الإسراء / The Night Journey / AL-ISRA Al-isra in arabic | Al-isra in english | Al-isra phonetic

18)  الكهف / The Cave / AL-KAHF Al-kahf in arabic | Al-kahf in english | Al-kahf phonetic

19)  مريم / Mary / MARYAM Maryam in arabic | Maryam in english | Maryam phonetic

20)  طه / Ta-Ha / TA-HA Ta-ha in arabic | Ta-ha in english | Ta-ha phonetic

21)  الأنبياء / The Prophets / AL-ANBIYA Al-anbiya in arabic | Al-anbiya in english | Al-anbiya phonetic

22)  الحج / The Pilgrimage / AL-HAJJ Al-hajj in arabic | Al-hajj in english | Al-hajj phonetic

23)  المؤمنون / The Believers / AL-MUMINUNE Al-muminune in arabic | Al-muminune in english | Al-muminune phonetic

24)  النور / The Light / AN-NUR An-nur in arabic | An-nur in english | An-nur phonetic

25)  الفرقان / The Criterian / AL FURQANE Al furqane in arabic | Al furqane in english | Al furqane phonetic

26)  الشعراء / The Poets / AS-SHUARAA As-shuaraa in arabic | As-shuaraa in english | As-shuaraa phonetic

27)  النمل / The Ant / AN-NAML An-naml in arabic | An-naml in english | An-naml phonetic

28)  القصص / The Stories / AL-QASAS Al-qasas in arabic | Al-qasas in english | Al-qasas phonetic

29)  العنكبوت / The Spider / AL-ANKABUT Al-ankabut in arabic | Al-ankabut in english | Al-ankabut phonetic

30)  الروم / The Romans / AR-RUM Ar-rum in arabic | Ar-rum in english | Ar-rum phonetic

31)  لقمان / Luqman / LUQMAN Luqman in arabic | Luqman in english | Luqman phonetic

32)  السجدة / The Prostration / AS-SAJDA As-sajda in arabic | As-sajda in english | As-sajda phonetic

33)  الأحزاب / The Combined Forces / AL-AHZAB Al-ahzab in arabic | Al-ahzab in english | Al-ahzab phonetic

34)  سبأ / Sheba / SABA Saba in arabic | Saba in english | Saba phonetic

35)  فاطر / Originator / FATIR Fatir in arabic | Fatir in english | Fatir phonetic

36)  يس / Ya Sin / YASSINE (YAS-IN) Yassine (yas-in) in arabic | Yassine (yas-in) in english | Yassine (yas-in) phonetic

37)  الصافات / Those who set the Ranks / AS-SAFFAT As-saffat in arabic | As-saffat in english | As-saffat phonetic

38)  ص / The Letter "Saad" / SAD Sad in arabic | Sad in english | Sad phonetic

39)  الزمر / The Troops / AZ-ZUMAR Az-zumar in arabic | Az-zumar in english | Az-zumar phonetic

40)  غافر / The Forgiver / GAFIR Gafir in arabic | Gafir in english | Gafir phonetic

41)  فصلت / Explained in Detail / FUSSILAT Fussilat in arabic | Fussilat in english | Fussilat phonetic

42)  الشورى / The Consultation / ASH SHURA Ash shura in arabic | Ash shura in english | Ash shura phonetic

43)  الزخرف / The Ornaments of Gold / AZZUKHRUF Azzukhruf in arabic | Azzukhruf in english | Azzukhruf phonetic

44)  الدخان / The Smoke / AD-DUKHAN Ad-dukhan in arabic | Ad-dukhan in english | Ad-dukhan phonetic

45)  الجاثية / The Crouching / AL-JATHYA Al-jathya in arabic | Al-jathya in english | Al-jathya phonetic

46)  الأحقاف / The Wind-Curved Sandhills / AL-AHQAF Al-ahqaf in arabic | Al-ahqaf in english | Al-ahqaf phonetic

47)  محمد / Muhammad / MUHAMMAD Muhammad in arabic | Muhammad in english | Muhammad phonetic

48)  الفتح / The Victory / AL-FATH Al-fath in arabic | Al-fath in english | Al-fath phonetic

49)  الحجرات / The Rooms / AL-HUJURAT Al-hujurat in arabic | Al-hujurat in english | Al-hujurat phonetic

50)  ق / The Letter "Qaf" / QAF Qaf in arabic | Qaf in english | Qaf phonetic

51)  الذاريات / The Winnowing Winds / AD-DARIYAT Ad-dariyat in arabic | Ad-dariyat in english | Ad-dariyat phonetic

52)  الطور / The Mount / AT-TUR At-tur in arabic | At-tur in english | At-tur phonetic

53)  النجم / The Star / AN-NAJM An-najm in arabic | An-najm in english | An-najm phonetic

54)  القمر / The Moon / AL-QAMAR Al-qamar in arabic | Al-qamar in english | Al-qamar phonetic

55)  الرحمن / The Beneficent / AR-RAHMAN Ar-rahman in arabic | Ar-rahman in english | Ar-rahman phonetic

56)  الواقعة / The Inevitable / AL-WAQI'A Al-waqi'a in arabic | Al-waqi'a in english | Al-waqi'a phonetic

57)  الحديد / The Iron / AL-HADID Al-hadid in arabic | Al-hadid in english | Al-hadid phonetic

58)  المجادلة / The Pleading Woman / AL-MUJADALAH Al-mujadalah in arabic | Al-mujadalah in english | Al-mujadalah phonetic

59)  الحشر / The Exile / AL-HASR Al-hasr in arabic | Al-hasr in english | Al-hasr phonetic

60)  الممتحنة / She that is to be examined / AL-MUMTAHANAH Al-mumtahanah in arabic | Al-mumtahanah in english | Al-mumtahanah phonetic

61)  الصف / The Ranks / AS-SAFF As-saff in arabic | As-saff in english | As-saff phonetic

62)  الجمعة / The Congregation, Friday / AL-JUMUA Al-jumua in arabic | Al-jumua in english | Al-jumua phonetic

63)  المنافقون / The Hypocrites / AL-MUNAFIQUN Al-munafiqun in arabic | Al-munafiqun in english | Al-munafiqun phonetic

64)  التغابن / The Mutual Disillusion / AT-TAGABUN At-tagabun in arabic | At-tagabun in english | At-tagabun phonetic

65)  الطلاق / The Divorce / AT-TALAQ At-talaq in arabic | At-talaq in english | At-talaq phonetic

66)  التحريم / The Prohibtiion / AT-TAHRIM At-tahrim in arabic | At-tahrim in english | At-tahrim phonetic

67)  الملك / The Sovereignty / AL-MULK Al-mulk in arabic | Al-mulk in english | Al-mulk phonetic

68)  القلم / The Pen / AL-QALAM Al-qalam in arabic | Al-qalam in english | Al-qalam phonetic

69)  الحاقة / The Reality / AL-HAQQAH Al-haqqah in arabic | Al-haqqah in english | Al-haqqah phonetic

70)  المعارج / The Ascending Stairways / AL- MAARIJ Al- maarij in arabic | Al- maarij in english | Al- maarij phonetic

71)  نوح / Noah / NUH Nuh in arabic | Nuh in english | Nuh phonetic

72)  الجن / The Jinn / AL-JINN Al-jinn in arabic | Al-jinn in english | Al-jinn phonetic

73)  المزّمِّل / The Enshrouded One / AL-MUZZAMIL Al-muzzamil in arabic | Al-muzzamil in english | Al-muzzamil phonetic

74)  المدّثر / The Cloaked One / AL-MUDDATTIR Al-muddattir in arabic | Al-muddattir in english | Al-muddattir phonetic

75)  القيامة / The Resurrection / AL-QIYAMAH Al-qiyamah in arabic | Al-qiyamah in english | Al-qiyamah phonetic

76)  الإنسان / The Man / AL-INSAN Al-insan in arabic | Al-insan in english | Al-insan phonetic

77)  المرسلات / The Emissaries / AL-MURSALATE Al-mursalate in arabic | Al-mursalate in english | Al-mursalate phonetic

78)  النبأ / The Tidings / AN-NABA An-naba in arabic | An-naba in english | An-naba phonetic

79)  النازعات / Those who drag forth / AN-NAZIATE An-naziate in arabic | An-naziate in english | An-naziate phonetic

80)  عبس / He Frowned / ABASA Abasa in arabic | Abasa in english | Abasa phonetic

81)  التكوير / He Frowned / AT-TAKWIR At-takwir in arabic | At-takwir in english | At-takwir phonetic

82)  الانفطار / The Cleaving / AL-INFITAR Al-infitar in arabic | Al-infitar in english | Al-infitar phonetic

83)  المطففين / The Defrauding / AL-MUTAFFIFIN Al-mutaffifin in arabic | Al-mutaffifin in english | Al-mutaffifin phonetic

84)  الانشقاق / The Sundering / AL-INSIQAQ Al-insiqaq in arabic | Al-insiqaq in english | Al-insiqaq phonetic

85)  البروج / The Mansions of the Stars / AL-BURUJ Al-buruj in arabic | Al-buruj in english | Al-buruj phonetic

86)  الطارق / The Nightcommer / AT-TARIQ At-tariq in arabic | At-tariq in english | At-tariq phonetic

87)  الأعلى / The Most High / AL-ALA Al-ala in arabic | Al-ala in english | Al-ala phonetic

88)  الغاشية / The Overwhelming / AL-GASIYAH Al-gasiyah in arabic | Al-gasiyah in english | Al-gasiyah phonetic

89)  الفجر / The Dawn / AL-FAJR Al-fajr in arabic | Al-fajr in english | Al-fajr phonetic

90)  البلد / The City / AL-BALAD Al-balad in arabic | Al-balad in english | Al-balad phonetic

91)  الشمس / The Sun / ACH-CHAMS Ach-chams in arabic | Ach-chams in english | Ach-chams phonetic

92)  الليل / The Night / AL-LAYL Al-layl in arabic | Al-layl in english | Al-layl phonetic

93)  الضحى / The Morning Hours / AD-DUHA Ad-duha in arabic | Ad-duha in english | Ad-duha phonetic

94)  الشرح / The Relief / AS-SARH As-sarh in arabic | As-sarh in english | As-sarh phonetic

95)  التين / The Fig / AT-TIN At-tin in arabic | At-tin in english | At-tin phonetic

96)  العلق / The Clot / AL-ALAQ Al-alaq in arabic | Al-alaq in english | Al-alaq phonetic

97)  القدر / The Power / AL-QADR Al-qadr in arabic | Al-qadr in english | Al-qadr phonetic

98)  البينة / The Clear Proof / AL-BAYYINAH Al-bayyinah in arabic | Al-bayyinah in english | Al-bayyinah phonetic

99)  الزلزلة / The Earthquake / AZ-ZALZALAH Az-zalzalah in arabic | Az-zalzalah in english | Az-zalzalah phonetic

100)  العاديات / The Courser / AL-ADIYATE Al-adiyate in arabic | Al-adiyate in english | Al-adiyate phonetic

101)  القارعة / The Calamity / AL-QARIAH Al-qariah in arabic | Al-qariah in english | Al-qariah phonetic

102)  التكاثر / The Rivalry in world increase / AT-TAKATUR At-takatur in arabic | At-takatur in english | At-takatur phonetic

103)  العصر / The Declining Day / AL-ASR Al-asr in arabic | Al-asr in english | Al-asr phonetic

104)  الهُمَزَة / The Traducer / AL-HUMAZAH Al-humazah in arabic | Al-humazah in english | Al-humazah phonetic

105)  الفيل / The Elephant / AL-FIL Al-fil in arabic | Al-fil in english | Al-fil phonetic

106)  قريش / Quraysh / CORAÏSH CoraÏsh in arabic | CoraÏsh in english | CoraÏsh phonetic

107)  الماعون / The Small Kindesses / AL-MAUN Al-maun in arabic | Al-maun in english | Al-maun phonetic

108)  الكوثر / The Abundance / AL-KAWTAR Al-kawtar in arabic | Al-kawtar in english | Al-kawtar phonetic

109)  الكافرون / The Disbelievers / AL-KAFIRUNE Al-kafirune in arabic | Al-kafirune in english | Al-kafirune phonetic

110)  النصر / The Divine Support / AN-NASR An-nasr in arabic | An-nasr in english | An-nasr phonetic

111)  المسد / The Palm Fiber / AL-MASAD Al-masad in arabic | Al-masad in english | Al-masad phonetic

112)  الإخلاص / The Sincerity / AL-IKHLAS Al-ikhlas in arabic | Al-ikhlas in english | Al-ikhlas phonetic

113)  الفلق / The Daybreak / AL-FALAQ Al-falaq in arabic | Al-falaq in english | Al-falaq phonetic

114)  الناس / The Mankind / AN-NAS An-nas in arabic | An-nas in english | An-nas phonetic

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In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
1 Indeed, We have given you, [O Muhammad], a clear conquest
2 That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path
3 And [that] Allah may aid you with a mighty victory.
4 It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their [present] faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise.
5 [And] that He may admit the believing men and the believing women to gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein eternally and remove from them their misdeeds - and ever is that, in the sight of Allah , a great attainment -
6 And [that] He may punish the hypocrite men and hypocrite women, and the polytheist men and polytheist women - those who assume about Allah an assumption of evil nature. Upon them is a misfortune of evil nature; and Allah has become angry with them and has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil it is as a destination.
7 And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.
8 Indeed, We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner
9 That you [people] may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honor him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and afternoon.
10 Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to Allah . The hand of Allah is over their hands. So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself. And he who fulfills that which he has promised Allah - He will give him a great reward.
11 Those who remained behind of the bedouins will say to you, "Our properties and our families occupied us, so ask forgiveness for us." They say with their tongues what is not within their hearts. Say, "Then who could prevent Allah at all if He intended for you harm or intended for you benefit? Rather, ever is Allah , with what you do, Acquainted.
12 But you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families, ever, and that was made pleasing in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption of evil and became a people ruined."
13 And whoever has not believed in Allah and His Messenger - then indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Blaze.
14 And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.
15 Those who remained behind will say when you set out toward the war booty to take it, "Let us follow you." They wish to change the words of Allah . Say, "Never will you follow us. Thus did Allah say before." So they will say, "Rather, you envy us." But [in fact] they were not understanding except a little.
16 Say to those who remained behind of the bedouins, "You will be called to [face] a people of great military might; you may fight them, or they will submit. So if you obey, Allah will give you a good reward; but if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment."
17 There is not upon the blind any guilt or upon the lame any guilt or upon the ill any guilt [for remaining behind]. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger - He will admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow; but whoever turns away - He will punish him with a painful punishment.
18 Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad], under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest
19 And much war booty which they will take. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.
20 Allah has promised you much booty that you will take [in the future] and has hastened for you this [victory] and withheld the hands of people from you - that it may be a sign for the believers and [that] He may guide you to a straight path.
21 And [He promises] other [victories] that you were [so far] unable to [realize] which Allah has already encompassed. And ever is Allah , over all things, competent.
22 And if those [Makkans] who disbelieve had fought you, they would have turned their backs [in flight]. Then they would not find a protector or a helper.
23 [This is] the established way of Allah which has occurred before. And never will you find in the way of Allah any change.
24 And it is He who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them within [the area of] Makkah after He caused you to overcome them. And ever is Allah of what you do, Seeing.
25 They are the ones who disbelieved and obstructed you from al-Masjid al-Haram while the offering was prevented from reaching its place of sacrifice. And if not for believing men and believing women whom you did not know - that you might trample them and there would befall you because of them dishonor without [your] knowledge - [you would have been permitted to enter Makkah]. [This was so] that Allah might admit to His mercy whom He willed. If they had been apart [from them], We would have punished those who disbelieved among them with painful punishment
26 When those who disbelieved had put into their hearts chauvinism - the chauvinism of the time of ignorance. But Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger and upon the believers and imposed upon them the word of righteousness, and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.
27 Certainly has Allah showed to His Messenger the vision in truth. You will surely enter al-Masjid al-Haram, if Allah wills, in safety, with your heads shaved and [hair] shortened, not fearing [anyone]. He knew what you did not know and has arranged before that a conquest near [at hand].
28 It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.
29 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.